Wednesday, 4 February 2009


Went out this morning to see the health visitor to weigh Annika (by the sound of the name you'd think a health visitor would actually visit you, but apparently not!). Since there's still snow on the roads, and ice patches, we took it pretty slowly. Other than the snow & ice it's been a lovely day with lots of sun and no wind at all. I'm surprised I didn't meet more people on our walk! Annika had gained over a kilo since last time (2 weeks ago), so she's now 4.64 kg! Will have to change to Pamper's number two size nappies soon! 

Then we took a little trip with the car, after getting all the snow of it first (took a while). We went to B&Q (a DIY store) to get some paint for the living room - not an easy task! I tried to get Annika's opinion but she would probably been as happy if I bought bright orange for the whole room as boring beige. I went for boring beige in the end (Dulux 'Chalk stone'), but now I think I might have changed my mind...The problem is that we've ordered a dark grey sofa, and I'm not sure how good it will look with grey sofa next to a light cream/beige wall...But I couldn't find a light grey/beige colour so I just went for the chalk stone, plus if I had stayed in there longer I would've gone crazy. Fingers crossed it will look good...  The other rooms look great, 'magnolia' in Annika's room, 'soft coffee' in the other bedrooms, and 'soft almond' in the hallway/staircase. White in bathrooms plus 2 shades of cream for floor and wall tiles.

That's pretty much our day - right now I'm cooking, kidney bean curry with rice, and Annika's playing in her gym. Tomorrow she's getting her 2 month immunizations. Time flies...

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