Sunday 30 November 2008


Hade lite tidig adventsfika igar med nagra svenska kompisar har hemma, riktigt mysigt! Det blev glogg & pepparkakor fran ikea, samt hembakade bullar (jag har inte lyckats hitta saffran!) & morfars julkola... Bildbevis fran bullbaket i bilden ovan - inte sa daligt for ett forsta forsok!

Friday 28 November 2008

Our new house

Here it is, our new house! We picked up the keys today. Now the renovations will start, and the fun in picking tiles & kitchen doors begins! We're so excited, and can't wait to move in. We'll have to wait a couple of months though until it's all ready. And it's got a garden - ahh I think I can see a little swing already!

Thursday 27 November 2008

Baby presents

I got these lovely gifts from my work colleagues - a baby clothes kit + a frame with a clay moulding kit for little a hand or foot. So cute! And the coolest present came from my graphics team (although it hasn't arrived yet) - they've done their own designs which has been printed on a body suit + tshirt for the baby! Can't wait for that one!

Images from mothercare

The graphics team

The graphics team posing on my last day - Becky, Lester, me, Debbie & Lara (my replacement). (Absence: Dave as he had to leave early) I will miss them!
(Photo: Dave Powell)

Here we go!

So I thought I'd give this blog thing a go - I figured it would be a good idea to start now when I've got some time on my hands (or, at least before I become busy with feeds/nappy changes/house chores). Today was my last day at work, and I am now officially on maternity leave - yey! It's a very strange feeling, knowing I'm not gonna go into a work place for at least 9 months.. I guess the house will now be my main workplace! 

I'm not sure if I'll write mainly in English or Swedish, which the title of the blog explains... So there's a risk there might be a bit of both! If you're wondering what I'm gonna blog about - well, it will probably be mainly baby & house stuff (we just bought a house) - and other random thoughts! I'll try to be good with uploading photos as well!