Monday, 22 December 2008

Dan fore dan fore dopparedan...

Mamma & Annika ute pa vift

Tva dagar kvar till julafton! Det kanns ratt konstigt, jag glommer bort hela tiden att det snart ar jul...Det enda som paminner mej ar ljusstaken i fonstret & alla julkort, plus julblomman som redan borjat vissna (den paminner mej om varfor vi inte har vaxter i vart hem...). Det kommer nog inte bli mycket julfirande i ar, lite julmust & pepparkakor kanske, och Kalle Anka klockan tva (tre svensk tid...), och ett paket eller tva. Men det racker gott & val i ar; vi far val ha en extra julig jul nasta ar istallet! Det blir en mini-jul, bara jag, Teek & lilla Annika. Ja, nu har hon antligen ett namn! Annika Siri Thakrar, Annie som smeknamn. Annika ar bade svenskt och indiskt, sa det passar perfekt. Och inte sa vanligt nu for tiden heller!

God Jul & Gott Nytt Ar!
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

Thursday, 18 December 2008

The comments function...

...should now be working properly!

Favourite sleeping position

Busy times!

No, I haven't quit the blog - I just haven't had much time due to a demanding little missy! So I suspect the blog entries won't be updated on a daily basis... Everything is going pretty good though, baby's feeding well (her chins are getting chubby!), sleeping well (in the day anyway...) and doesn't cry too much. And we're sure we've even seen her smile a few times - I know it's too early and that she's probably just practicing facial expressions but it sure looks like a smile to us...

I'll try to be back soon with more updates, and hopefully - a name!! It's been 9 days now so we really should make a call on name - but it's a lot harder than we thought!

Friday, 12 December 2008

Baby Joy

Here she is - the most beautiful girl in the world. Born 14.11 on the 9th December, 49 cm long and weighing 2.62kg. We're on cloud nine at the moment, just spending time with her & getting to know her.  At the moment she mainly sleeps, eat or wants her nappy changed - I guess all the things you'd expect from a little baby! Now we're just trying to decide on a name, which we hopefully should have done soon...

Monday, 8 December 2008


Inte langt kvar till jul... Denna jul kommer inte bli som andra jular; trots att vi inte ar i Sverige, inte har gran, julbord eller Kalle Anka & Karl Bertil, ar detta den jul jag ser fram emot mest!

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Work in progress

The boys are working hard down at the house, and if we're lucky it will only be another 5-6 weeks until it's finished! While the boys are busy, I'm trying to figure out kitchen layouts using Ikea's kitchen planning tool. It's not as easy as you might think! Colour-wise I think we're leaning towards a white kitchen with oak wood tabletops...

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Happy baby?

Only one week left to baby's due date - scary thought that it can now happen anytime! I have a feeling he/she will come out a little late though, actually most first babies are a little late. I just hope it won't go more than a week or so!

This is interesting; I read in my baby magazine that there's a study that says women who eat chocolate in their pregnancies get happier babies - well in that case our baby will be the happiest baby ever! Or else, have a very sweet tooth like mommy... The chocolate xmas-toffee I made last week are half finished already! Better make some more...