Monday, 2 March 2009


Having a baby makes you quite good at multi-tasking, I've noticed. A few things I now manage to do:

- Going food shopping with a pushchair and a shopping basket
- Going food shopping with a pushchair and a shopping trolley (NOT recommended!)
- Typing with one hand whilst breastfeeding (like right now)
- Making phone calls/eating/texting/cleaning baby's double chin whilst breastfeeding
- Taking up car seat w. baby in it plus various bags up the stairs (not really multi-tasking, but really heavy!)
- Carrying baby and eat/be on the phone/put in a wash

What I've learned is to take every moment Annika is happy and content to do as many chores as possible (and to play with her) - forget the saying 'sleep when the baby is sleeping' - yeah right! Luckily our baby sleeps quite well at night - she only needs one, sometimes two feeds at night, so I'm not too tired in the day. It could have been a lot worse; I met another mum whose 12 weeks old son never slept more than an hour and a half, even during the night! Then I guess you have to sleep when baby sleeps...

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to your multi-tasking skills. I am a single father of 2, and it's a rare time when they are playing nicely together so I can get the most basic chores done; However I think I'm managing quite well. I applaud you on your post about multi tasking while you have a little one. It's not the easiest thing in the world, but it is very rewarding at the end of the day. Thank you for your post.
